The Team Da Silva Story

In January 2013, Trevor Da Silva assembled 12 of his closest friends & family members that he knew would back him in his lifelong personal fight & mission to help achieve his ultimate DREAM: To see cancer beaten once & for all during HIS lifetime.

From our very humble beginnings in 2013, with no large corporate sponsorships or donations, through only deep routed grass roots fundraising events such as:

  • Curling Bonspiels
  • Euchre & Poker Nights
  • "Chilli-Off" Fundraisers
  • Regional Softball & Hardball leagues "bottle" drives
  • Leafs/Jays/Raptors Ticket Raffles
  • Annual Canada Day "Couples" Golf Tournament
  • All Expenses Paid Package Raffle Prize Draws

We have grown our event every year through consistent networking, countless hours of hard work, dedication, and our team commitment to delivering a best in class experience for everyone who has attended any event we have organized.

Team Da Silva raises much needed funds for:

  • Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer (7 Year Participants)
  • Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer (10 Year Participants)
  • Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation

2025 will mark our 12th Anniversary Charity Golf Tournament. This Memorial Tournament is held annually to uphold our team's main mission: to continue to be part of the cause, fighting as hard as we can to finally see cancer beaten in our lifetime, and most importantly, to honour the amazing memory & world class legacy of our fearless leader, Trevor Da Silva.

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024- Team cropped, with Marcel


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Stephen Collins

(416) 420-8298

James Demarco

(905) 715-0106

Ride to Conquer Cancer Participants

Ralph Strohm and Remi Parent (Team Da Silva members) partner every year in a movement that continues to accelerate life-saving cancer research.

Each year dedicated Riders of all abilities raise vital funds and propel themselves more than 200 kms to fuel breakthroughs that transform cancer outcomes around the world.

They are doing the incredible, the extraordinary, to go above & beyond for one goal & mission. To be part of the cause to see cancer beaten in our lifetime!


Ralph Strohm

Trevor's Childhood & Lifelong Friend


Remi Parent

Trevor's 15 year colleague at Purolator Inc. & close personal friend. Also, is our DASMGT Official Professional Photographer!

Event History

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Heather Glen Golf Club (2013-2015)

Words cannot express how truly appreciative & thankful we are to Owners Scott Guy & Kelly Maloney, and their amazing team at Heather Glen Golf Club in Ashburn, ON.

From the very beginning in September 2013, they opened their doors & hearts to us. Without question, they gave their unending support & dedication to our annual event, complete access to their entire beautiful facility, and an amazing opportunity to create a memorable and impactful Annual Charity Golf Tournament experience.

Our Team Da Silva Road Hockey To Conquer Cancer (RHCC) Golf Tournaments in 2013, 2014 & 2015 ran with immense success from Day One. 72 golfers, fantastic food & hospitality, remarkably memorable fall weather each year to soak in an absolute gem of a golf course to play, sculpted out of the beautiful & majestic Oak Ridges Moraine in Durham Region. What fantastic memories & event success to remember !

In November 2015, we unfortunately lost our beloved leader Trevor, after his courageous 24 year battle with cancer.

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Wooden Sticks Golf Club (2016)

In September 2016 (the first year of his passing), our Golf Tournament field doubled from 72 to 144 golfers, and to successfully host & properly pay tribute to Trevor (the 1st year of the Memorial Golf Tournament) was moved to one of his personal favorite courses in the GTA, the prestigious & spectacular Wooden Sticks Golf Club in Uxbridge, ON.

What an amazing place to have such a meaningful & special event. An incredible 18-hole golf course (highlighted by their 8 'signature' holes), maintained in absolutely immaculate condition. Breath taking views, an extremely challenging course to play, with gorgeous banquet facilities, absolutely top notch !

THANK YOU so much to General Manager Steve Wilson and his outstanding team at Wooden Sticks for going absolutely above and beyond to make our annual event an unbelievable day, and unforgettable experience!

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Deer Creek Golf & Banquet Facility (2017 - Present)

In 2017, we honoured Trevor once again with hosting his annual Golf Tournament at his self touted "home" course, the 27 hole Championship North Course at Deer Creek Golf & Banquet Facility in Ajax, ON.

Deer Creek Golf Club was always so very near & dear to Trevor's heart. He loved the entire facility for so many reasons. He thoroughly enjoyed both North & South courses, the staff, the members, the overall experience he always received taking friends, colleagues or customers golfing. But, the North Course always held a very special & unique place to him.

We are beyond excited to have the opportunity to host our annual event at a facility & golf course that has so much meaning to Team Da Silva.

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH to the amazing team at Deer Creek Golf & Banquet Facility including Spencer Gray, Dan Mayes, Rebecca Bush, Tina Carty, John Downes & their entire staff for always treating our golfers & our event in top fashion, and providing a great opportunity to be at a best in class facility.

We are very humbled at your generosity, overall care & concern for our annual event.

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2025 Registration

Looking to join us at our golf tournament this year and support our goal of conquering cancer in our lifetime? Register now as spaces fill up fast!